
Fallen for the Enemy chapter 21

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Literature Text

Fallen for the Enemy

  Chapter 21

Things had been rather interesting night within the old library, the evening had passed slowly, after that phone call Alexandre had headed his friends advice and headed to bed his thoughts were all on his sister Paris. It had taken him a while to sleep but after two glasses of strong whisky he had finally surrenderd to sleep.
The morning had passed in a blur of activity as Alexandre and Jaqus discussed with Lizel what her plan was to be. All three sitting around the table, Lizel had brought local pastries with her as they each clutched a coffe cup.
'oui Alexandre do not worry! Lizel had said in her chirpy voice her eyes lighting up at the thought of finally seeing Paris. 'I know mon cher but things are dangerous' he had replied as she giggled nodding 'oui they are but unlike Jaqus they do not suspect me of working with the resistance and our contact..this Wollf will keep us safe, but....' she had paused 'I carry my gun with me at all times' she replied.
All three sat talking for a good bit more knowing Karl would not show for some time knowing that he had business to sort out.
'So you know what you must do Lizel? Alexandre had asked as he sipped at the coffe nursing a bit of a sore head 'of course mon amie I will bump into Wollf and accidently drop my purse' she had explained as both ment nod and Jaqus adds taking a drag of his cigarette 'then when you get back ere report any new information Wollf has told you, any Paris has told you please mon cher tell us everything' he had said softly.
Lizel had nodded and smiled at the same time kissing both men on the cheeks she had grabbed her bag and left.
The rest of the morning was busy as Alexandre and Jaqus looked over the maps plannin areas where they thought were weak, they also discussed the possibility of blocking one of the main bridges. 'Non we need more men to do this all we can do is observe things for the moment' Jaqus had replied as Alexandre slammed his fist on the map 'observe you know fine well we are being picked off one by one if we do not fight back!' he had yelled back a spark of fierce anger showing in his blue eyes.
'Oui I know mon amie, I know' Jaqus had said putting a hand on his friends shoulder 'we must hope that Maurice has not talked no matter what mon amie' Jaqus had said slowly as Alexandre sighed 'oui you are right' he had replied sitting back down once more.

Lizel was feeling hopefull and slightly more happier as she waved goodbye to Wollf and Paris, as much as she hated leaving Paris there she knew for all of their sakes she could ot just run off with Paris, the ss would hunt them down. Her heart ached as she walked away yet smiled at the same time as she knows Paris would be safe with Wollf.
'Pariee I will tell your brother everything' she says to herself as she walked down the street 'no matter what happens we will see each other again' she says walking past a few of her faveroute shops, she stops at a dress shop and starres at the dress in the window smiling sadly 'if I could afford you I would' she says to herself, she is lost in thought as she starres at the lovely light green dress.
Unkown to Lizel, after doing a little digging Reinhold had decided to follow up a lead wanting to find out more about this woman in the picture. He had arrived in town about twenty minutes after Wollf and Paris had wanderd off.
'Sir shall we take her in for questioning? asks one of his soldiers as they sit observing Lizel from across the street.
'Nein, ve have not seen anyzhing zhat makes me suspicious of her I vish to observe her und make a report to zhe kommandant' Reinhold replies to one brown haired soldier who nods 'my aplogies herr Strauss'
Reinhold keeps watching from across the street, his attention is caught by two wermacht soldiers and officer and a soldier making thier way over to Lizel.
'Vaht have ve here' Reinhold mutters to himself watching.
Lizel hears footsteps as she looks at the dress 'vell frauhline ve meet again'. Turning around Lizel gasps a little in surpise seeing the two men from the night before standing there.
'Zhe dress is pretty is it not? the officer asks his brown eyes sparkle a little. 'O..oui' Lizel gets out and makes to be on her way as he grabs her wrist. 'nein bitte I vish to talk vith jou' he says slowly. Lizel gives him a look as the other chuckles.
'Bitte' he says once more adding 'Jou are a very pretty vhy have jou not called me?' he asks as Lizels heart beats a little faster 'non, I ave been busy' she replies as the officer raises a brow pulling her closer 'busy ja? doing vhat? he asks curiously.  Lizel tries to pull away as the soldier grabs her bottom and she yelps 'batterd get off!'
'Gerhard vhat did I tell jou!' the officer scolds as Lizel tries to pull away again 'look I am running late I must be home' she gets out as the officer looks unamused 'Frauhline jou are hiding somezhing ja' he accuses her as Lizel narrows her eyes 'non I am running late' she states once more as he tightens his grip.
'I do hope jou are not othzervise zhings can get razher bad for jou' he says dropping his voice as Lizel starres at him wanting to just get back to Alexandre and the others.
'Look I must go' Lizel says her voice raising a little as the officer pulls her close and grabs her other hand keeping her almost nose to nose with him.  'I like jou a lot frenchie jou vill be mine' he says tightning his grip making Lizel cry out.

Reinhold keeps watching then calmly nods to his soldier as he gets out the car 'let us go und see vhat zhe matter is' he says himself wanting to get closer to the blond woman that seems familiar for some reason.
Walking calmly across the street Reinhold walks up to the wermacht officer, the soldier gives him a look as he taps the officers shoulder.
'Is zhere a problem here? he asks as Lizel feels the officer let go and mutter 'mind jour own business as he goes into kiss her 'non get off!' she says trying to push him away.
Looking at the soldier Reinhold growls 'tell jour officer zhat if he does not unhand zhe lady zhe I vill shoot jou' he says calmly. Gerhard starres back in shock 'Dieter' he gets out as the officer looks up 'vhat is it' he says annoyed letting his grip go a little for Lizel to pull awawy and starre at all three.
'Jou know jou Wermacht do not know how to treat voman! Reinhold says his voice hard as the officer turns around and pales slighlty 'fuck off' he says in german as Reinhold growls and pulls his gun out as Lizel pales stepping back a little 'I...I must be going! she shakes as Reinhold starres at Lizel for a moment 'nein stay' he orders as Lizel takes several deep breaths to calm herself.
The officer looks seeing this and backs down a little knowing how feared the SS are. 'I should report jou to jour superior ja but..zhis time zhis vone time I vill let jou off now go before I change meine mind ja!' he commands as both give him a look and then Deiter looks at Lizel as if to say *this is not over yet* while walking off.
Reihold watches as they walk off and he walks twards Lizel keeping his hat lowered he nods at her 'frauline are jou alright? he asks slowly.
Lizel nods 'o..oui I am fine, mercie' she replies hearing a tiny gasp from the officer as she looks. 'excuse me but...are you alright? she asks slowly cursing herself for aksing.
'nein I am fine ja, now may I have zhe pleasure of valking jou home? he asks as Lizels eyes go a little wider thinking *I need to head to Alexandre but..yes it would be easier to go home first however I must be carefull he will know where I stay* she thinks to herself.
Lizel looks back at the officer and tries to peer under his cap as he chuckles 'may I?' he asks more as Lizel keeps starring thinking *there is something familiar about him...I am not sure what* letting out a sigh she nods 'oui' she replies as he waves his arm 'lead zhe vay frauhline' he says politely as she begins walking down the street the officer beside her smiling at her a little. 'So tell me ja vhy zhey vere interested in jou? he asks as he walks side by side following Lizel past the lovely park, people glancing at them now and again making Lizel feel a little akward.
'Ah do not mind zhem I am just escorting jou home I do not vant zhose men harrasing jou again' he explains as Lizel sighs and nods 'mercoe and ...they met me one night the officer seems to be very interested sexually in me' Lizel replies shuddering a little.
'ja not all of us are like zhat, I know jou do not like me being here frauhline I can tell from zhe vay jou look' he replies as Lizel goes a tiny bit red and turns up a street twards the old bar where she stays.
Reinhold walks Lizel up to the door of the bar as he looks as the slightly run down bar frowing a little.
'zhis is jur home ja? he asks slowly adding 'vhat about siblings..Parents? he asks trying to probe her for information. Lizel turns from the door to look back at him as she sees brown eyes under his cap and some blond hair. *I must not open up to him but there is something familiar about him* she thinks to herself.
Giving him a sad smile Lizel replies 'non it is just me, my mere died when the war broke out' she says her voice shaking a tiny bit a she shakes her head then adds 'I had a brother but he too died' she says slowly keeping her gaze on the ss officer.
Reinhold processes this information as he starres at Lizels green eyes and blond hair giving her a nod 'jou remind me of somevone ja from a very long time ago vhen I vas younger' he says softly adding 'but nein perhaps I am confusing jou vith her frauline' he says then adds shaking his head 'und she died' he adds as Lizel looks back at him nodding slowly adding 'you are quite a curious officer may I add'. Hearing this Reinhold nods and chuckles 'ja I have been told zhat many times' he says giving her a nod.
'vell zhen adiou frauhline perhaps ve vill meet again or perhaps I vill ask for von drink here? he asks as Lizel looks at him her green eyes going a little wider 'I must decline another time? she says keeping her voice steady as she gives him a smile.
Reinhold nods back at her and grins a little 'I vill hold jou to zhat, after all I know vhere you stay ja' he says almost playfully.  Lizel gives him a little smile and watches him turn on his heal and walk slowly away. Once sure he has gone he opens the door and closes it quickly behind her letting out her breath. 'that was close' she says as she takes her coat off and walks to the bar looking at the bartender who nods 'another close shave? Lizel you must be carefull you know that mon cher' he says as his blue eyes look serious. He leans over the bar, his brown shirt and white apron on, his black well combed hair speckled with bits of grey.

Ever since Lizel had moved to Paris with her mother she had known this man, her mother having fallen in love with him, she had never heard her mother talk of her real father, Andre and Lizette had fallen in love instantly he had been heartbroken whene she had died. Lizel gives him a little smile her heart still full of happiness at seeing Paris yet needing to calm down after her close encounter with the soldiers.
'oui Andre I just wish those Krauts would go back to where they came from!! she exclaims as he pours her a glass of red wine 'here drink and calm down mon cherrie' he says reaching over and patting her shoulder just like a father would. 'I ave known you for many years Lizel you are a strong one but sometimes you can be a little reckless at times too' he explais adding 'who was the officer I saw out the window?? he asks his eyes taking on a worried look.
Lizel sighs 'I am not sure he never told me his name, he just helped me out' she explains adding 'he looks familiar for some reason as if..non his eyes were brown frere (my brother) she says slolwy as Andres eyes go wide 'non he is dead you know that' he says gently as he takes lizels hand 'oui...I know its just the feeling..ah...non never mind' she says finishing her glass of wine she begins to tell Andre about Paris but not what she learned. Being not part of the resistance it was dangerous to tell him things she did not want to risk his life.
Standing up Lizel takes her bag as Andre looks at her almost like a father not wanting his daughter to go out.
'you are leaving again?? Lizel you know I worry about you! he exclaims as she nods walking to him and leaning over the bar giving him a kiss on the cheeks. 'oui...I know you do you have been so much like a pere (father) to me I do not wish for anything to happen bit I must go out again' she explains adding 'you know what to do if any of the krauts come in here keep serving and be friendly' she says slowly.
'oui mon cher' he replies sighing.
Lizel knows for safety to slip out the back way. She gives Andre one last wave and heads to the stock room. Its dark and dusty inside yet Lizel knows her way around the barrells of wine and champagne kept in the cellar, she also knows Andre should be safe as a few officers do like drinking in this bar.
Slipping out the side door Lizel looks to make sure the coast is clear and heads the back way to the library through the woods.

*vell zhat vas interesting* Reinhold thinks to himself as he makes his way back to the car, he stops for a moment and smiles as he turns on his heals and heads back to the bar Lizel walked into, he pushes the door open as the chimes ring.
Looking around the small bar is rather empty at the moment as his boots make loud noises as he crosses the floor to the bar and sits himself on a stool starring over at the barman.
Andre had just finished putting Lizels glass away when he heard the chimes go as he walked out. His blue eyes go a tiny bit wide as he sees this SS Officer walk in, *non it cant cant it but..she told me he was dead* he thinks to himself remembering the photo Lizette alwasy carried with him. Quickly he composes himself and walks over.
'ah gutten tag Herr, I vish to have vone glass of vien ja' Reinhold says in his polite voice as Andre nods adding 'anything particular herr...' he trails off looking at the officer 'Strauss' Reinhold says 'Reinhold Struss ja' he says giving him a cool smile which makes Andre slightly nervous 'herr Strauss' Andre repeates, 'vhite if jou vould not mind ja' Reinhold replies.  Andre nods as he opens and pours a glass handing it to the officer who takes a long sip then lets out a sigh.
'very nice place jou have here hmmm' he says as his eyes go to the photo frame of Lizel with Andre.
'she stays here too ja?? he quizzes pointing to the photo. Andre looks angry and nevrous at the same time as he nods 'oui she does' he replies as Reinhold keeps starring thinking to himself *I must find out as much as I can about her*  Taking off his officers hat he runs his hands over his blond hair and smiles at the bar tendor.
'vhat is her name? he asks slowly looking at the photo again. Andre shakes his head adding nervously 'She does not like me giving her name to strangers I am sure you understand' he says. Hearing this Reinhold narrows his bue eyes adding in a colder voice 'If she does not like giving her name our zhat makes me zhink she is involved vith some illegal activity does it not? he says starring at Andre.
Andre shakes a little hearing this. 'Her name, do not look so shocked ja, I vish to take her out' he says slowly chuckling at Andres expression.
'Her name is Lizel' he finally says annoyed at himself. Reinhold thinks for a long moment his blue eyes going wider 'Lizel you say??? he gets out his voice shocked a little. 'oui...Lizel' Andre repplies as Reinhold thinks to himself *this cannot be true..she cannot be alive after all zhese years! but yet she looks just like zhe little girl mein sister*
Andre looks at the SS Officers expression carefully knowing he is shocked as he thinks to himself *could he be....non*.
Reinhold finishes his glass of wine and looks around 'Vhere is she now? Lizel? he asks slowly as Andre shakes his head 'she went out agan, and I do not know where' he adds quickly. Reinhold starres at him and walks to him 'I do hope jou are not lying ja' he says slowly as he begins to walk aound the bar looking at various tables, the book case, his eyes falling on the door next to the bar.
'vhere does zhis lead? he asks as Andre shakes his head 'up to our rooms' he replies adding in a rather colder voice ' are not permitted up there' he says getting a little bit annoyed.
Turning back to Andre, Reinhold suddenly grabs a hold of his shirt bunching it up and pulling him to his face 'Jou vill show me zhe rooms ja ozhervise I may do something jou vill not like' he says his voice getting harder. Andres eyes go wide as he puts his hands up surrendering 'o...oui...let me go and I will show you' he gets out his voice shaking. Letting him go he watches as Andre comes around the bar and slolwy unlocks the door leading upstairs, he motions him to follow as Reinhold walks up the creaky wooden stairs.

'There are two rooms that is all' Andre explains 'Lizels' he orders as Andre points a shaking hand to the right adding 'why are you so interested in her? he asks slowly getting a look in return as he goes silent. 'jou can go back downstairs ja I have an soldier outside just incase any funny business ja' Reinhold explains as he watches Andre turn and mutter in french 'chochon nazi sanglant!' (bloody naiz pig) as he walks back down the stairs his thoughts going to Lizel *be carefull little one*
Pushing open the door Reinhold steps into Lizels room and closes the door, he starres the curtains are a yellow color, the room is all dark wood, yellow carpet on the floor, a cupboard, a wardrobe, a small yet comfy bed. There is a wooden dressor with a jewlerry box and various other trinkets. Reinhold begins to open the wardrobe and rumage around the various clothes, shoes and womans stuff looking for any clues as to what she gets up to.
Finding nothing he walks over to her beside cabnet and pulls it open seeing a book in french and lifts it up, something falls out of the book as he bends down to pick it up he flips it over and his blue eyes go wide.
'vhat...!!!' he gasps out as shock makes him sit down on the bed starring at the photo. 'Nein zhis..zhis cannot be true!' he gets out shaking his head as he starres at the photo. In the photo infront of a rather large white pillard house stands four people, his father Heinz Struass, his mother Lizette whom his father had told him was dead. He was standing under his father, his hands on his shoulders as both looked out onto the camera like a proud father and son and next to him was a girl with the exact same green eyes as Lizel had the same blond hair.
Starring at the photo Reinhold takes in how beutifull his mother had looked, her eyes were green and soft curly shoulder lenght blond hair, here she wore a white summer dress and a hat over her hair, his father had not changed one bit well apart from his hair his steely blue eyes still caused Reinhold to shiver whenever they met. Looking down at himself he must have been at least ten when this was taken he smiles back at the camera his blue eyes twinkling as he holds hands with a little girl of 3 years of age next to him, she is dressed in a frilly pink dress and smiling brightly.
'Lizel...' he says slowly starring at the photo 'you alive! he says not fully believing this as he thinks *should I take or not...* he decides to place the photo back into the book so she does not know he has been looking. Standing up he quickly exits the room walking downstairs. He knows exactly what he will add in the report to Ludwig as he nods at Andre who huffs 'had enought yet?? he asks as Reinhold gives him a look 'ja, I found notzhing but be varned I vill be vatching zhis place!! gutten tag' he gives a tiny bow and walks out the door. Andre slumps on a baroom stool as he sighs.
*why did you look so shaken are so familiar* he thinks to himself.


Lizel carefully makes her way through the woods avoiding low branches and ditches, luckily she knows the woods, she also knows the nazis would not check certain parts of them. Keeping to the thick trees she quickly makes her way along stepping over fallen logs and pine needles. Coming to a fork in the woods she chooses the right pathway which leads down a narrow hill, carefull not to slip she keeps a hold of a few trees and finally gets back onto solid ground.
Looking around she glances up the street, nothing everyone continuing as normal. She smiles to herslef as her thoughts go to the officer. *why did you look so familar?* she thinks to herself but has no time to dwell on this as she hears movement from inside the old library.
Pushing the back enterence open she walks inside and quickly locks it. Looking around she finds no one around and quickly walks down to the basement and as she walks into the main room she gasps seeing the look on Alexandres face.
Alexandre stands next to the table the black phone in his right hand, the knuckles are white almost matching the look on his face.
'merde' Lizel mutters walking straight over as he shakes his head. His blue eyes are wide with shock as is Jauqus brown ones.
Jaqus starres at his friend and mouths 'put it down now!'
Suddenly Alexandre snaps out of his shock and slams the phone down. 'MERDE....they have the telephone exchange!!! he gasps out shaking his head he slams his fist on the table.
'what! Jaqus gasps as Alexandre puts his hands on his shoulders and starres into his friends eyes 'that was the rottwieler on the phone!! scare bleu!!' he exclaims running his hand over his brown hair.
'Someone talked!!! he says adding 'god help us...the only one has to be Maurie!' he says slowly as Jaqus thinks nodding 'oui' he replies.
Lizel quickly pulls Alexandre into a hug and as she pulls back she looks at his serious eyes.
'we must leave oui?' she says as he nods. 'Oui to the farmhouse all of us must go' he orders adding in a harder voice 'Jaqus gather all the maps, everything we have we take with us! leave nothing behind nothing that will lead them to us!! he says his voice urgent.
'oui sir' Jaqus replies as Alexandre rolls up the maps and blue prints of the mansion and camp looking around shocked as he balls his fists.
'merde they are always one step ahead of us!!!' he almost yells as he grabs Lizel's hand 'help me with the rest oui' he orders. 'of course!' Lizel replies her green eyes shocked her heart beating faster as she quickly begins to stuff maps, guns and anything of importance into large canvis sacks.
Jaqus returns about ten minutes later out of breath as he nods 'everything is in the truck, we take the back roads to the farm that way the BATTARD KRAUTS CANNOT FIND US!! he yells the last part as both nod.
'oui now we must hurry!' Alexandre says adding 'we must asume those working in the exchange are dead oui??? he says slowly his eyes turning to a hard blue as he starres at both.  Jaqus curses under his breathe and nods 'oui we must yet it is still dayligh if they are to suspect something then we will be dead' he says thinking then grins despite the situation.
'we can make this look like a gas expolsion that way we will burn everything!
Alexandre grins 'Jaqus Mon amie you are a genious, Lizel wait in the truck' he orders as Lizel nods knowing its best to go with them for the moment, she knows she is not suspected of anything so she can return to her house. Quickly grabbing the canvas bag she makes her way out the back door to the truck. *this is going to be close* she thinks to herself worried slightly that the officer may have followed her.
Quickly Jaqus dissapears into a cellar and brings out a jerry can full of fuel, together they begin to douse the whole basement as Jaqus gives his friend a quizzing look 'what about the library?' he asks. Alexandre laughs a tiny bit 'you knew when we aquired this place that we may have to burn it' he says as Jaqus nods 'oui you are right now lets get out of here' he explains dropping the can he waits for Alexandre to get to the door. Suddenly Alexandre grabs Jaqus are 'what about the librarian? he asks as Jaqus chuckles 'mon amie do not worry he will know where we have gone once he sees the fire he will know exactly where to go' he explains adding 'after all those Nazi swine will have no leads to either of us! he excalims as Alexandre grins nodding.
'go ahead' he orders watching as Jaqus strikes a match and throws it inside.


Suddenly the whole basement begins to burn as both Alexandre and Jaqus slide into the truck. Without looking back the resistance slowly drive out of sight keeping slow down the road to avoid being noticed. Lizel keeps her eyes looking out the window just incase that officer appears once more as she looks at Alexandre who is concentraiting on driving.
'that was very very close from now on we must be extra carefull, Lizel you are the only one who can come back into town, for the moment I will not risk it' Alexandre explains letting out a string of french curse words as he drives, before the road block he turns down a lane leading to the forrest. Keeping the truck slow the road changes to that of a old dusty farm track. The drive and bump along in silence for the next fourty minutes making sure they are well out of the town and well out of range from the camp.
'Alexandre mon cher I have some news of Paris' Lizel finally says as Alexandre cuts the engine and they come to a halt it he middle of a forrest.
'we should be alright here for a little bit' he explains as Jaqus sighs 'Merde they seem to know everything about us' he sighs rubbing his head adding 'I fear we are failing Paris' he gets out.
Suddenly he is slapped hard on his head 'owww Merde Alexadre!' he gasps out as Alexandre growls 'never say that, we do this for freedom of France oui and for my sister' he gets out. Its clear stress is showing in his face as he lets out another sigh.
Lizel coughs 'if you two would stop for one moment I have found out some intersting news' she says slowly.
Both men turn aroudn to look at her and nod 'Pardon Lizel things have just not worked out oui' Alexandre apologises taking her hand and kissing it. Lizel nods and sighs 'this is what I learned from Paris today, the market was a sucess, I know ive helped Paris a lot Alexandre you have no idea how happy she was to see me, to hear the things we have been trying to do' Lizel explains as Alexandre nods 'go on' he urges.
Nodding Lizel smiles 'alright Paris tells me about the guards on the gate they have a set routine' she explains and goes into detail about the changing of the guards 'she also tells me there is a huge forrst behind the mansion but she does not know where it leads or if it ends in high walls' she says shaking her head.
Alexandre smiles at this 'Lizel this is good! what else?? he asks as Jaqus slips outside the truck to have a smoke. Sliding closer to Alexandre she says slowly her face taking on a worried look 'I know Parrie is strong did not see the look on her face when she talked about him? I fear part of her maybe falling for the rottwieler!' she gets out.
Hearing this Alexandres face darkens his blue eyes go wide as he balls a fist ' MERDE!!!NON SHE CANNOT I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!! HELL WILL FREEZE BEFORE SHE DOES THAT!!!  Lizel never say that never!!' he shouts as he starres at her. Lizel starres back and nods slolwy 'I am as worried as you are but I trust her too, she told me she was waiting for the right moment to escape but that aslo they are drugging Francis and using him' she says adding 'we must know where they are keeping him, Wollf told me to inform you that he is trying his best to get Paris near the prisoners' she finally says rubbing his hand.
'that is a good idea, Lizel mon cher tomorrow you will meet with Wollf at the market again with Paris when we reach the farmhouse I will give you the new number for him' he explains seeing Lizels far off exprssion 'what is the matter mon cher? he asks gently stroking her hands.
Lizel looks up and tears prick her green eyes 'Paris, I saw what they did to her Alexandre I saw the marks on her back.....' she shakes letting tears fall. Alexandre pulls her close holding her gently 'oui....the battards will pay with their deaths!!! no one marks my Pettite Paris (little Paris)! Alexandre says keeping Lizel close for a moment.


'Ohiii love birds! come on I think we should get to the farm house, it is not good staying here to long' Jaqus replies as he shuts the door sliding into the seet.
'Mon cher are you alright? Jaqus asks as Lizel wipes her tears away 'oui I am fine, and I agree we should get going but...' she pauses looking at Alexandre 'Paris wants to know about the farm and vineyard, she wants to know if, ...if Pappa is still alive' she gets out.
Alexandre frowns hearing this 'I do not know...I know Pappa is very good at hiding and the vineyard god knows Im afraid...' he says his face darkens a little 'I ave not heard from pappa since they invaded, I hope with all my heart he is still alive, she took it rather badly when we lost our mere (mother)' Alexandre says quietly then adds ' I will try my best to find out!' he says shaking his head.
Jaqus sees this look and nods 'oui he is right' he says as Alexandre begins to drive the truck further into the forrest.


The black pigtailed girl pants as she stumbles along the tunnel, she is sweating, blood has stained her white blouse as she clucthes her left arm, he face has gone a little pale but mostly she keeps on going knowing she must get to safety and let the others know.
*others?* she thinks letting some tears out as she keeps going. *what others...all I can do is get to this farmhouse* she thinks. Being only 16 she is scared yet determined.
'Ughhhhgg!!' she gasps as she trips for the thrid time landing on her front and hitting her chin hard. Pushing herself up on her good arm she resists the urge to curl up and cry as she stumbles to her feet looking ahead she can see a tiny trickle of light.
'I must be brave...Pappa you always told me to be brave' she says slowly, her mind wondering where here Papa had gone. 'One day I will find you pappa I will get you back' she cries a little. Stumbling a few more times Trinette finally exits the tunnel using her good hand to shield her from the afternoon daylight she leans against the cave wall and take several deep breaths of air.
Tears begin to fall as she begins to sob harder thinking about her friend Marco he was only 20 but saved her. Shaking her head Trinette looks around and listens hard only hearing birds tweeting and the occasional creek of the trees. Looking from left to right she begins to walk through the trees knowing the old farmhouse is only about a mile away.
'Dieu nous aide tous' she mutters (god help us all) as she begins to quicken the pace, her feet beginning to hurt as she stumbles over logs and undergrowth. Finally looking ahead she gives a tired and weak smile.
Up ahead surrounded by an old wodden fence stands an old grey white building, its roof thatched complete with a chimmy. The building has two floors and off to the right hand side is an old rusty red barron.  Trinette stumbles along leaving a little trail of blood as she pushes the back door open.
*creek*  she stumbles inside and instantly slumps to the floor letting tears flow as she holds her arm feeling it numb.

'So this is the farmhouse our safe house oui? Comes a light french girls accent.
'Of course Lizel now quickly we must all get inside and make sure we cover the truck' Alexandre says his voice urgent. 'Oui' she replies beginning to lift some of the supplies.
'Do the others know? Jaqus asks adding 'Karl? Wollf?
'Non not yet I will get around to informing them' he replies as he quickly closes the front door locking it.
'Lizel we do not need to worry we will all be safe here, I made sure before we chose this house that the location was remote, the traps and mines are all set around these woods' Alexandre explains as he dumps the bag on the table.
Lizel nods as she walks through to the back room and flicks on the light switch and gasps.


At once Alexandre grabs his gun and strides quickly through to the back room holding his gun.
'Merde!' he says quietly as he quickly puts his gun away and starres, there slumped next to the table leg is a girl no more than 16 years old. Lizel looks at him 'go get bandages, a wet cloth and some wine' she orders as Alexandre nods.
'oui I will be right back' he says quickly striding off just as Jaqus walks in and begins to unload the supplies taking the maps to the back room along with the weapons.
'mon cher, can you hear me??? Lizel asks softly taking a hold of the girls arm, she slaps at her face gently as the girl begins to open her eyes slowly, dim blue eyes full of pain starre back at her 'o...oui' she replies slowly. 'what is your name little one??? Lizel asks gently as she begins to slowly reach for her blouse. The girl tenses as Lizel gives her a warm smile 'non do not be afraid I must see the wound' she says slowly.
'Je M'appelle Trinette' she says slowly and hisses in pain as Lizel gently pulls her blouse from her left shoulder.
'Lizel and this' she says pointing to Alexandre who kneels down beside her and gives Trinette a nod 'this is Alexandre Bellarose' she explains. Hearing this Trinettes eyes go wide 'capitain Bellarose??!! ' she gasps out as Alexandre nods giving her a smile 'oui that is me' he explains.
Suddenly Trinette lunges foreward and grips Alexandres shirt with her good had 'they took him...they tooK Marco!! she sobs out adding 'and killed the other two!!!' she explaims then letting out a gasp her face loosing all color as her eyes roll back in her head and she faints slumping back, quickly Lizel steadies her.
'Quickly lets get her up to one of the rooms' Lizel says urgently adding 'I will tend to her, then I must leave back home' she explains. Alexnadre nods as he gathers the bandages and medical kit helping Lizel Carry Trinnette to a room.
Finally laying Trinette down on the bed Lizel begins to slowly clean at her wound, check for any traces of bullet. 'She is lucky mon amie, the bullet only made a deep graze' she says as Alexandre nods adding 'I will get Jaqus to keep a watch over her then when she is ready we must get everything out of her about what happened oui' he asks as Lizel nods 'oui' she replies.
Standing there Alexandre smiles feeling a warmth in his heart for Lizel watching her tend to the girl as he has a flash back of tending to Paris when she fell over hurting her knee *Frere,....Frere!!* he can still hear her call as he smiles a little 'Pariee...we will I will make sure we find each other again!' he says to himself.
'She should be fine I have cleaned the wound, given her a few stiches in the wound and bandaged' Lizel explains as she smiles at Alexandre. 'you know she is only a child to' she replies as he nods 'oui but we all know even children help fight the war' he explains slowly. Walking over to him Lizel kisses him on the cheeks as she nods 'Now I had better get back, tomorrw same time at the market for Paris? she asks as Alexandre nods. 'oui...and you must inform Wollf of our new Location, Karl will fine us' he explains.
'Make sure someone is looking over her, I worry she may get frightened' Lizel explains as she gives Alexandre a hug once more 'I will promise to be carefull oui' she replies as he nods.


Meanwhile around about the same time Paris is having a rather good day. Currently looking at books in a huge bookshop, she looks up at once of the sheleves and reaches up for a book pulling it down. Already she has picked four books as Wollf is patiently standing beside her holding the four and nodding at her. 'Anotzher mademoiselle' he says chuckling as Paris nods 'this will be the last I promise' she replies handing Wollf the book on fine arts.
Looking up Wollf gives her a smile 'zhat metting helped jou ja' he says softly as Paris gives him a look nodding ' have no idea how good it felt' she replies slowly thinking about what her friend had told her.
'I vill arrange again for tomorrow same time ja for it seems Herr Ludwig trusts me vith jou at all times vhich is gut ja' Wollf explains adding 'zhat makes it more easier to stay in contact' he whispers adding a bit louder so people near by can hear 'ah...I zhink ve shall finish ja let us go und get zhe car mademoiselle' he says as Paris looks at him seeing his eyes and nods 'oui' she replies as she follows him to the counter.
'oh you like fine art too Mademoiselle' the man behind the counter says as Paris nods 'oui...I love to paint' she replies slowly thinking back to her home wondering if the vineyard farm is still there as a tiny tear appears.
'Mademoisell here' Wollf says giving her a handkerchief as she takes it and dabs her eyes 'm..mercie' she replies as the cashier hands Wollf the books giving him a look.  Saying nothing both walk out of the store as Pairs lets out a sigh 'I do not like what they all think..Wollf they look at me as if I am some sort of french...*she trails off shaking her head as Wollf sighs 'neine zhier is notzhing jou can do for zhe momenet but survive, Paris I know zhis is hard but until ve can find zhe right time to get free zhen jou must take it day by day ....* he says trailing off as he sees a pillar of smoke billow up into the afternoon sky.
'vhat is zhat? he asks himself outloud as Paris looks in the direction 'something on fire oui?? she asks as Wollf nods 'komm let us get back to camp ja I vill report zhis to herr Kommandant' he replies as Paris nods following him to the town car and sliding inside. 'Wollf what if its them?? brother?? she asks wondering. There is silence for a moment as he shakes his head starting the engine 'neine I do not zhink he vould be so close to zhe camp ja' he replies as Paris leans back in the seat thinking yet feeling a little bit happier meeting Lizel.
She watches out the window as they drive by the car turns before getting to the burning building as she thinks *why is there no one coming to put it out? are they perhaps Jews living there?
'Mademoiselle Paris I am glad jou enhjoyed today, I vill have to have a vord with Ludwig und see if I can arrange a meeting vith zhe piggies, Fluer...und some of zhe vifes like to do zhe feeding rota ja' he says from the front seat.
Paris leans foreward hearing this 'You would?..I mean...Francis..' she trails off as Wollf nods 'ja Francis und zhe ozhers but Ludwig may not let jou just yet I vill see vhat I can do' 'Oui thank you Wollf really' Paris replies as she settles back and watches out the window.

Finally the car pulls into the camp as Paris cant help shudder a little, she still hates this place so much yet has to bare it.
'After jou Mademoiselle' Wollf says carring the bag full of her books as she gets out the car and walks through the door past the guards who as usual give her a look.
Wollf walks Paris down the corridor and leads her into a room. 'Mademoiselle I vill go und find Herr Kommandant I zhink he may still be busy yet ja, feel free to sit und read, take some coffe too ja, zhis is vhere most of zhe vifes vait for zhier men' Wollf says slowly.
Paris sighs and looks around nodding as she takes a seat.  Wollf gives her a little bow as he walks out and nods at the guard who always stands near the door.

Leaving Paris, Wollf strides down the corridor twards Ludwigs office, he knocks twice on the door.
'Komm' Ludwigs voice yells as Wollf walks in saluting and nodding to Deitmajor at the same time.
'Ah Wollf how vas zhe market?' Ludwig asks leaning on his hands his blue eyes serious.
Wollf smiles nodding 'gut Paris enjoyed zhe market und I hope jou do not mind herr Kommandant she bought razher a lot of books' he explains hearing Ludwig chuckle. 'Ja she likes zhe books' he replies adding ' I take it she is vaiting ja?'
'Ja Herr Kommandnat' he replies.
'Ve had a razher interesting time too, Deitmajor care to fill our commrade in' Ludwig says as Wollf takes a seat beside him.
Reaching for the folder he hands Wollf it, the photo of a boy around 20. His face swollen, several burn marks on his arms and chest.
'Vhere did jou find zhis von?' Wollf asks starring at the photo as Deitmajor grins 'vell our otzher little freund told us everyzhing, he gave us zhe location of a telephone exchange ve raided und...zhey vere listening in on zhe camp zhe little rats!!! he exclaims as Ludwig chuckles.
'Ja but now ve have zhis von' he says grinning.  Wollf looks up and nods 'have jou got anyzhing out of him yet? he asks thinking to himself about this boy also thinking *I vill have to find anozher vay of contacting zhe resistance*
Shaking his head Ludwig goes one 'neine he refuses to give anyzhing avay I zhink ve may have to up zhe preassure on him' he explains.
Just then the door bursts open and Fuller strides in.
At once all three stand up and salute 'Heil Hitler' they chorus and click thier boots together.
Fuller nods 'at ease' he says as they sit back down.
His grey blue eyes look determined as he walks to Ludwig. 'Jou did a gut job today Ludwig I have read zhe report on zhis so called telephone exchange ja' he says as he strokes his chin. Ludwig starres back nodding 'Danke Obergruppenfhurer Fuller' he replies as Fuller chuckles a little.
'Now zhis boy ve have he has not said anyzhing yet? he asks as Ludwig shakes his head 'nein not a vord Obergruppenfhurer Fuller' Ludwig replies folding his hands, he can tell his boss is thinking a lot.
A grin appears on Fullers rounded face as he nods 'Zhen I give him a choice, eizher he vorks for us as a mole or I vill have him shot at dawn tomorrow!' he says his voice full of authority.  
'Zhat is a gutt Idea Obergruppenfhurer Fuller' Ludwig replies thinking to himself *ja zhis vill vork razher vell*.
'Wollf Jou may go und tell our little guest zhe news ja' Ludwig orders.  Fuller nods 'Go' he says as Wollf raises up and salutes his boss 'Ja Obergruppenfhurer Fuller, Heil Hitler!' he says saluting and walking out of the office. Finding one of the soldiers Wollf nods and orders him to follow him down to the cells.

Fuller smiles a little then looks at Deitmajor 'jou are dismissed' he says as Deitmajor nods standing up he looks at Ludwig who nods 'I vill talk vith jou later ja, perhaps jou could check on Paris ja' he asks as Deitmajor nods 'ja Herr Kommandant I vill zhen I must find Reinhold ja' he explains as Ludwig nods 'ja, I have not heard from him since zhis morning' he says slightly worried at the same time watching as he walks out the door closing it behind him.
'Now ve are alone ve must talk ja' Fuller says as he pulls out a folder.
'Jou are doing a very gut job vith zhis local resistance jou have halfed zhier numbers vhich is very gut ja' he explains as Ludwig nods reaching over to pour two brandies handing one to his boss.
'Danke' Fuller says taking it and sipping on it. 'Now back to our little french girl Paris, how is she? Fuller asks Ludwig who looks up 'vell she vas at zhe market vith Wollf today she seems razher fine' Ludwig says adding frowning a little 'but her hand ve must look at zhat'. Fuller nods 'vhen finished here have her taken to our docotr ja, I know jou care for her but she must give more information ja, High command vant more, yet zhey are razther interested in how ve are turning her' he explains.
Ludwig nods 'Ja obergruppenfhurer I am vorking on her I am taking great care of how I go about it ja after the Stholler...*he pauses then continues* 'inncident' he says as Fuller nods. 'Ja vell I vill need answers soon ja but I trust jou und vonce more vell done craking zhis telephone exchange, from now on ve keep an eye on all phone lines is zhat clear' Fuller asks.
'Ja obergruppenfhurer Fuller' Ludwig replies taking another drink.
Finishing his drink Fuller looks back up 'Ludwig I am not convinced ve have seen zhe last of zhose resistance rats in zhe town und zhe surrounding areas, zhe journalist ve caputred I vant you und Wollf to use the truth serum on him, I vant more ansves!' Fuller says his voice getting a bit louder.
'ja obergruppenfhurer Fuller, jou mean zhat frenchie vho vas vith Paris' he says slowly as Fuller nods 'ja currently to meine knowledge he is von of our piggies, he vill not put up any resistance I vant to make sure I have all information' he says as Ludwig nods.
'It shall be done obergruppenfhurer Fuller mark meine vords' Ludwig says finishing his drink.
'gut now back to Paris' Fuller says as he stands up and walks over to the door opening it, a guard hands him a folder as he walks back over to Ludwig sitting back down.
'Vould you go und bring her here ja' he orders Ludwig who nods 'zhe photos have come back und I must say zhey are razher interesting' he says. Ludwig nods 'I vill not be long obergruppenfhurer Fuller' he says.

Wollf thinks hard to himself as he follows the soldier down to the cells. He wonders just what the boy will say and what he needs to tell him as he walks down the steps he thinks *I will have to talk with Lizel tomorrow about this and let her know*. Reaching the holding cells the soldier nods and waits at the door to the corridor.
Wollf walks down the stone corridor ignoring the cries of the prisioners, some sentenced to death by firing squad others left to rot as he reaches the last one.
Keys clink in the lock and the heavy solid iron door swings open, Wollf walks inside and pushes the door shut.
Scared defient Brown eyes starre back at Wollf from the darkness of the cell as he begins to walk closer.
'Stay away..from me KRAUT BATTARD!!! the boy yells as he presses himself up against the wall. Wollf can see that his face is swollen and his arms are covered in cuts and burns.
'Garcon je ne vais past te faire de mal (boy I will not hurt you)' Wollf says in low french as the boy starres back hearing this french.
'Comment puis-je te faire confiance? (how can i trust you) the boy says back in french as Wollf kneels down beside him putting a hand on his shoulder, the boy flinches 'jou can trust me I know zhe White Dove ja' he says then dropping his voice lower he adds 'I will help you but you have two choices here...they want to shoot you tomorrow at dawn or ...they want you to work for them' he says and starres at the boy.
'vhat is jour name? he asks as the boy pauses for a moment then says quietly 'Marco taullise' he says slowly adding 'wh...who are you? he gets out.
Wollf stays silent for a moment before whispering 'Hungry Wollf'. Hearing this the boys brown eyes go wider as he says barely audable ' really..really are one of us' he gets out having heard about a Nazi working for his side.
'ja now vhat vill jour choice be? Wollf asks slowly as Marco starres back at him 'but If I say yes it goes against everything ive ever worked for....even my country oui' he gets out. Wollf gives him a serious starre 'vould jou razher die? zhis var has claimed many lifes ja it changes everyone' he says slowly keeping his hand on the boys shoulder.
Marco gives him a look 'if I agree must convince them that I work for you!! he gets out adding quickly 'The already hurt me the battards wanted information I did not have' he explians as Wollf nods.
'I can do meiene best, Herr Kommandant respects me ja ve are close to each otzher I vill convince him und Obrgruppenfhurer Fuller zhat jou vill vork for me zhat vay zhings vill be safer ja' Wollf explains. Marco goes silent for a moment then nods.
'Now Marco I am afraid zhat I vill have to hurt jou, jou understand? he asks his face darkening and clouding a little as he whispers 'Ve must not let on to zhem I have told jou any of zhis'.
Marcos eyes go wider as he balls his fists and nods 'oui...I am ready' he says slowly.
Suddenly Wollf punches Marco hard in the stomoch knocking all the wind from him as he gasps out ...'nggg...B...Battard!!' he pants as Wollf laughs loudly raising his voice deliberetly so the guard can hear him 'VELL ANSVER ME, VILL YOU VORK FOR US OR BE SHOT JOU RAT' he yells.
Marco starres back at him as Wollf grabs his shirt and punches the side of his face.
'Ouch!!! oo....o..oui! oui...I will I will just...STOP!!' he yells the last word out as Wollf lets go and he falls back agains the cold cell wall.
'Gut Gut, I vill go und let meine boss know ja' He says giving Marco a nod he whispers 'good job' he says.

Meanwhile Paris is sitting in the room waiting patiently wondering what everyone is doing, she gets up and walks around the room exploring every bit, she walks to the door as the guard gives her a look as if to say *stay there*, sighing Paris turns and heads to make herself some coffe as she sits back down, her mind is still spinning from the meeting with Lizel today. Smiling just at the thought of it she thinks to herslef *things may start to look up and if Wollf can get me near Francis then...then I can start to plan an escape* she thinks taking a sip of the coffe.
Reaching down she looks at the bag full of the books she bought in town and picks one up opening it she begins to read as she thinks once more about home *that farm our farm...Pappa I hope you are still alive* she thinks to herself as the sounds of Boots make her look up. Standing in the doorway is Deitmajor leaning against the frame. 'Herr Kommandant asked me to check on jou, are jou alright, he told me he vould not be to long Paris' he says nodding at her. Paris starres back at him remembering the slight threat he gave her at the ball as she nods 'oui I am fine' she replies as he nods looking around 'jou have not seen Reinhold have jou? his face is a frown as he sighs looking slightly worried.
'non you are the first ive seen since Wollf left me here' she replies as he nods 'ja jou are right vell I had better go und find him' he replies tipping his hat to her 'Schonen Tag Frauhline Paris' he says striding out of the room before she can reply.
Sighing she reaches for a magazine flicking through the pages rather bored, most of the pages full of German Propeganda about the war and Hitler.
It is a little later when Ludwig finally comes to the door 'Meine Libe I hope I did not keep jou vaiting' he says softly striding over and pulling her up gently. 'Well for a momnet I thought you had got lost in your work' she replies as he leans down and kisses her.
'Komm Obergruppenfhurer Fuller vishes to see jou' he says as Paris eyes go a little wide, Ludwig shakes his head 'nein jou do not need to be afraid ja, he vishes to show zhe photos from Last nights ball' Ludwig explains. Hearing this Paris flashes back to the ball to her outburst and the poses she had to do, she follows Ludwig out the room as he smiles at her 'do not vorry I already asked von of zhe guards to take jour books und dress to zhe car' he says as Pairs nods.

Walking into the office Paris starres at Fulller who has taken Ludwigs seat as he looks up at her.  'Ah Paris so gutt to see jou again ja, do sit' he says the last part sounding more like an order.
Sitting down Paris starres at the photos in a pile on the desk as Ludwig smiles. 'Komm Komm have a look Paris I am sure jou vill find zhem razher gutt' Fuller says smiling as Paris leans forward and gasps ' marks are all gone?? she gasps in surprise as Fuller almost booms in laughter 'of course ja, did I not say at zhe ball our little friend can vork his magic' he says as Paris starres at the photos, the ones on her own she cant beleive how pretty she looks. 'Jou like zhem?' Fuller asks as he chuckles and Paris cant help but nod 'oui...' she says.
Ludwig leans foreward and smiles seeing the photos of the two of them as Fuller grins, he reaches into the folder and pulls out a fresh book.
'what is that??' Paris asks slowly as he puts it down and she gasps '' she gets out as Ludwig smiles.
'Ja it is' he replies almost proud of himself as Fuller grins 'my dear jou both are on zhe front cover of our officers magazine but also the first two pages as vell und zhese booklets vill go out to everyvone around zhe town, zhe wermacht und our vhole SS, Zhat vay zhose resitance rats vill see jou are now von of us ja' he explains as he pushes the book over to Paris who picks it up with slightly shaky hands, she looks down at the photo and thinks to herself *this is not good, they...the way I look here* She sees herself sitting on the chair hands folded in her lap and Ludwig standing with his hands on her shoulders smiling as she looks nervous, she keeps starring at herself no quite beleiving what shes seeing.
Paris eyes go wide hearing this as she thinks of her friends, of Lizel, Jauqs of just what her brother will think seeeing these pictures, she feels almost like shes been tipped into a bucket of cold water as Ludwig reaches for her hand squeezing it.
'so Frauhline Paris jou see vith zhes photos out in cirrculation jou cannot go back to jour little fruends zehy vill see jou as a traitor' he says slowly as if waiting for her reaction.
Paris starres at him feeling like shes been doused in cold water as she looks back to the photos then back up feeling anger inside of her yet she knows she has to contain it as she thinks *those battards!! that was there plan all along!* the happy feeling she had earlier meeting Lizel has washed away as she looks at Fuller who looks amused at the same time, the look in his blue grey eyes she can tell he knows she is angry.
'vell? he asks 'vill jou run?' he says as Ludwig chuckles low looking at Paris who sighs 'non' she replies feeling a little defeated at the same time then adds 'why..why would I you all keep an eye on me, it is not like I can just run out of this camp?? she says slightly angry.
Fuller grins at her and nods 'ja of course jou vill be a good French vife for Ludwig' he replies once again waiting to see if Paris reacts, adding 'jou are both zhe star couple around here und Ludwig keep up zhe gut vork' he says smiling as Ludwig nods.
Paris tries her best to keep the anger inside as she takes deep breathes wanting to retort back as if to say *wife non I will not be* but she keeps quiet, she winces suddenly not realizing she had clenched her fist together.
'ah Frauhline Paris jou had best get zhat looked at again, Ludwig take jour Paris to zhe doctor ve are done here ja' Fuller says waving a hand.
Just as Ludwig is about to stand up the door sounds.


'KOMM! Fuller barks as Paris sits there tyring to process that information *Wife how can he even...*she trails off looking as the door opens and scuffling can be heard. She cant help let a tiny gasp out as Wollf Walks in dragging a boy with brown hair and brown eyes into the office. Starring at him her eyes go a little wide seeing his bruised face, burn and cut marks all over his arms and chest, his shirt is ripped open and his hands are shackled together.
'Ah Zher Gutt Wolff Zher Gut!' Fuller says clapping his hands as he starres at the boy standing infront of Wollf. Paris cant take her eyes from him as Wollf gives her a tiny look then looks back at Fuller, she notices he is holding the boy tight by the collar almost choking him.
Ludwig stands up as he looks at the boy and smiles at Wollf 'so has he decided zhen? Ludwig asks as Wollf grins. Wollf nods 'Ja I had a razher gutt talk vith him und Obergruppenfhurer Fuller, zhis von has decided to vork for us ja' he says keeping his voice cold and firm.  Paris starres at the boy who cant be more than 20 and feels sorry for him but also feels worried at the same time *does he know my brother...the others?* she thinks slighlty panicked.
'Meine engel are jou alright, jou look a little pale?' Ludwig asks as he starres at Paris who quickly shakes her head 'non I...I am fine' she replies. Fuller chuckles 'vell Paris zhis little rat here a fellow Frenchie ja' he says as he stands up and walks over to the boy.
'vhat is jour name? he asks as Marco shakes a little then croaks out 'Mar...Marco' he gets out his brown eyes full of fear, he glances over at Paris and looks confused for a moment hearing her speak french as he thinks *why is she here??*
'Vell zhen jou have chose zhe right path ja' Fuller say grabbing the boys chin with his leather gloved hand he starres into his eyes grinning 'I vas going to have jou shot pitty ve vill not have a show but jou vill vork for us, its a shame ve had jour little freunds shot ja' he says as if taunting Marco who says nothing.
Suddnely Fuller Punches Marco hard in the gut.
'Ooooooooffffff' Marco lets out as he gaps and doubles over in pain panting tears coming to his eyes. Paris wants to run to him but knows better as she sits watching. Ludwig stands and watches as Wollf keeps a grip on the boy as Fuller grins gripping the boys hair painfully and pulling up his head.
'from now on jou vill help meine men out und anyzhing jou find jou vill report directly to Ludwig ja!' Fuller commands in a hard voice the same voice he had used the night of the dinner with Paris.  Marco gasps getting his breath back as his brown eyes fill with tears ...'o..oui' he manages.
Wollf coughs as all three look at him 'Obergruppenfhurerfuller, If I may ask Perhaps he can vork for me ja, as jou know everyzhing I do und find out gets reported to Herr Beilschmiddt' he says slowly looking at both men.
Fuller stands up and strokes his chin 'hmmmm perhaps, Ludwig vhat do jou zhink? he asks as Ludwig smiles 'vell jou do have meine engel to look after but ...* He pauses for a moment and nods 'zhat is a gutt idea Wollf a very gutt idea' he says.   Fulller looks delighted as he claps his hands 'Gut zhat is settled zhen but Wollf jou are to have a report ready for me in no more zhan a veek ja und I expect results' he says in a clipped tone. Wollf nods and salutes 'Ja obergruppenfhurer Fuller' he replies as Fuller turns back to Marco his grey eyes serious.
'Jou vill be taken to zhe medical ving und cleaned up, zhere jou vill be given fresh clothes ja und zhen taken to a cell vehre jou vill be confined to until Officer Wollf needs jou ja' Fuller explains, not getting a reply Fuller suddenly kicks the boy in the right leg.
'Jou vill ansver vehn talked to!' he yells as Marco looks up shaking 'o..oui' he says.
Fuller smiles as he nods at Wollf 'Gutt he vill be jour responsibility ja, Take him to clean up then back to zhe cells, Dismissed!' Fuller says as Wollf salutes 'Heil Hitler!' he says as he nods then drags Maro and as he walks out the door a smile forms on his face.

*zhings vill vork out zhe vay I vant zhem to* Wollf thinks as he drags Marco twards the medical room.
Sorry for the delay guys, this chapters been a really long one to write between battling a hell of a lot of back pain at the same time.  SO this is a really good chapter one being well Reinhold will find out some rather shocking news!
Also not a whole lot of Paris in this chapter more of Lizel and a few others plus a little or two new characters!

Anyways I really hope you like and please do comment things will get a lot more interesting soon!!!
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sugarskull360's avatar
Yet again another great chapter but Reinhold though